10 Best Free Traffic Sources 2020

10 Best Free Traffic Sources 2020

10 Best Free Traffic Sources 2020


In no particular order, here are 10 of the best free traffic sources to get more (any) visitors to your blog this year. For those of you with little or no budget (like me) this is what you should be doing.

Note: if you make a purchase through some of the links/advertisements in this post tepagemi enterprises will receive a commission.

1. SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)

This is the holy grail of free traffic. If you are able to get your page(s) to rank in the major search engines then you will likely see a massive increase in visitors to your site.

However you should also bear in mind your potential readers. Don’t compromise the readability or quality of your posts just to conform to the SEO algorithm. Eg. Keyword density (the number of times your keyword appears in the post) is an important metric but don’t just shove the keyword into the post in an unnatural manner (keyword stuffing).

SEO is a massive topic with whole websites devoted to it. At the very least you should be doing on page SEO using RankMath (my personal choice because it integrates well with Elementor) or Yoast combined with some keyword research to try to target low competition keywords that you have the best chance of ranking for.

I go into a bit more depth on SEO here.

2. Quora

quora - question and answer

Quora.com is one of a number of question and answer style forums. People sign up and subscribe to different areas of interest. When a user posts a question you might feel like you could answer and give value then create a post and include a link to your blog in your signature.

If you have a blog article that answers that post then you could even post a link to that article. I would, however, avoid posting any spammy links directly to affiliate offers or ads as that is likely to get you banned.

3. Reddit


Similar to Quora, Reddit.com is another forum where like minded people gather in communities. Find a community relevant to your niche and engage in that niche by offering answers to other peoples questions. Again you should avoid just spamming your affiliate links as this will only get you banned!

4. Twitter

It might surprise you but Twitter.com can be an excellent source of free traffic. You could use tools such as agorapulse to make managing your twitter (and other social media) easier.

5. Email Marketing

email marketing

Probably considered a little old fashioned these days but should definitely be one of your top priorities. Building a large and responsive email list is a great way of driving traffic to your site or affiliate offers. Sending out regular ‘value’ in your emails is vital to retain active subscribers though. If all you do is constantly send out emails with affiliate offers then people will quickly lose interest and unsubscribe.

Clickbank University is largely centred around building an email list and many of the YouTube guru’s are still focused on generating a list of email subscribers. I think this highlight’s how important an email list can be.

6. Guest Blogging

Writing an article on someone else’s popular blog can garner you some new visitors. This also has the added bonus of creating a backlink to your site. The more backlinks you create the better as this will give your site more authority in the niche and long term will lead to an increase in the amount of SEO traffic you receive.

7. YouTube

YouTube is one of the biggest websites on the planet with millions of visitors per day. If you can start a channel in the same niche as your blog you can then cross promote them. Conventional wisdom usually suggests creating regular new videos to drive the popularity of the channel but as the excellent Sarah Chrisp recently pointed out even a channel with only 2 videos uploaded several years ago can still get a lot of views Tobia Wilson.

8. Facebook

social media

Facebook is a great way to get visitors to your blog/website. A great way to promote your site would be to create a Facebook group in an appropriate niche and start by offering free value in the form of hints and tips or similar useful information.

Over time you can hopefully grow the number of followers and then when you publish new content you can ‘advertise’ it in your Facebook group.

As with the other methods you have to take care not to become just an advert for your site, you need to offer some sort of value to keep your audience engaged. Nobody wants to be marketed to all the time.

9. Instagram

The most obvious way to drive traffic to your site from Instagram is by having a link in your bio. You could add a call to action on a interesting photo that you’ve uploaded.

Video is a great way to attract the attention of users so if you are able to then creating video content is a great way to go.

Using the following of existing influencers is a great way to reach a lot of people although you may find it difficult to get that done for free unless you have a following in a similar niche and agree to some cross promotion.

10. Pinterest

According to Neil Patel a pin on Pinterest is 100 times more spreadable than a tweet. If that doesn’t make you think Pinterest is worth more of your time then I don’t know what will.

Rather than using your current personal account you should probably sign up for a proper business account. This will then give you access to additional materials to help you maximise the engagement from your pins.

For example Resources & Guides gives you lots of information on how best to devote your energies on pinterest. 

11. Create An Ebook

I know I said Top 10 but I thought I’d throw a bonus in. While it is likely to take some time to create an ebook it can be an excellent way of generating traffic to your website whether it is a simple ebook you use as a lead magnet or a more thorough one that you sell on Amazon.

10 Best Free Traffic Sources 2020: Summary


So there you have 10 (well 11) great ways to increase the traffic to your site. Now I just need to try and put some of them into practice!



Related: SEO, Fiverr
